Exciting Updates & Features

Stay up-to-date with the latest enhancements and innovations we’ve brought to our platform. Discover new features, improvements, and everything you need to know to make the most out of our services.

What’s coming in the new update?

A major update is coming for DHL, Amazon, AliExpress, and drop shipping..

POS added for local stores

mplementing a Point of Sale (POS) feature allows local stores to manage sales transactions efficiently. This feature includes capabilities such as processing payments, managing inventory, generating sales reports, and providing receipts to customers. By integrating POS, stores can streamline their checkout process, enhance customer experience, and maintain accurate sales records.

Mobile Apps

Android and iOS application added with Flutter” Our platform is designed to provide everything you need to set up and manage your e-commerce store with ease. From customizable storefronts to seamless payment integrations, we aim to offer a comprehensive solution that caters to your unique needs.

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